AskSpot v2.8.5
Structured Data Bot (SDB): We've added a Structured Data Bot that maintains continuous access to a complete dataset, which is crucial for interactive and context-dependent applications. Unlike QA chatbots, SDBs are designed to engage in ongoing interactions, where context and continuity are essential. Video Overview
Chatbot Message Limiting Per Minute/Hour/Day: You can now restrict the number of messages sent to your chatbot within a specific time frame, whether it's per hour, per minute or per day. This feature helps you manage and mitigate potential misuse by setting a cap on the number of messages allowed per IP address. Video Overview
Structured Data Bot (SDB): We've added a Structured Data Bot that maintains continuous access to a complete dataset, which is crucial for interactive and context-dependent applications. Unlike QA chatbots, SDBs are designed to engage in ongoing interactions, where context and continuity are essential. Video Overview
Chatbot Message Limiting Per Minute/Hour/Day: You can now restrict the number of messages sent to your chatbot within a specific time frame, whether it's per hour, per minute or per day. This feature helps you manage and mitigate potential misuse by setting a cap on the number of messages allowed per IP address. Video Overview