Recent AskSpot Updates

AskSpot v2.8.8


In-Chat Forms
  • New Form Type: There is now an option to create "In-Chat Forms" alongside the traditional forms. These forms appear directly within the chat window rather than as a separate overlay. This makes the form submission process more seamless within the chat experience.
  • Post-Submission Actions: After a user submits a form, you can configure an action to occur. Options include:
    • Show a Message: Display a message directly below the form.
    • Redirect: Redirect the user to a specific URL, such as a different webpage, landing page, or thank you page
Full-Screen Chatbot Share Page Option: A new type of page called "Full-Screen Chatbot Link" has been added. This option allows the chatbot to be displayed in a full-screen format, providing a larger and more immersive user experience. Video Overview.

Sharing Feature: Under the settings in the "Controls" section, there is now an option to enable sharing. When this is turned on, a "Share" dialog will appear, allowing users to easily share the chatbot with others. This feature could be particularly useful for chatbots that have collaborative functions or are designed to be shared across different users. Video Overview.

AskSpot v2.8.7


GPT 4.0 Mini Model: We've introduced the GPT 4.0 Mini model, offering advanced capabilities for reasoning and analysis in your chatbots. This new model provides efficient and intelligent responses, making it ideal for a variety of applications, from customer support to creative content generation. The GPT 4.0 Mini is also highly cost-effective, priced significantly lower than previous models. Enable this option to enhance your chatbot's performance and user experience. Video Overview.

Claude AI Models Overview: We now provide detailed descriptions and pricing for various Claude AI models available on AskSpot. These models cater to different needs, from advanced reasoning and long-form content creation to quick information retrieval and general-purpose language understanding. Understanding these capabilities helps you choose the best model for your chatbot, ensuring optimized performance and cost-efficiency. Video Overview

AskSpot v2.8.6


GDPR Option in Forms: We've added a GDPR option in forms, essential for data privacy compliance in the UK and EU. This feature ensures you collect explicit user consent and stay compliant with data protection regulations. Enable this option to build trust and transparency with your users. Video Overview.

RSS Content as a Source:  You can now use RSS feeds as a content source for your chatbots. This feature allows your chatbot to deliver the latest updates and news directly from your preferred RSS feeds, keeping your users informed and engaged with real-time content. Video Overview.

AskSpot v2.8.5


Structured Data Bot (SDB):  We've added a Structured Data Bot that maintains continuous access to a complete dataset, which is crucial for interactive and context-dependent applications. Unlike QA chatbots, SDBs are designed to engage in ongoing interactions, where context and continuity are essential. Video Overview

Chatbot Message Limiting Per Minute/Hour/Day:  You can now restrict the number of messages sent to your chatbot within a specific time frame, whether it's per hour, per minute or per day. This feature helps you manage and mitigate potential misuse by setting a cap on the number of messages allowed per IP address. Video Overview
New Updates
9 months ago

AskSpot v2.8.4


AI NavBot:  We've added AI Navbot, an interactive search/question widget that expands when clicked, providing users with an intuitive way to navigate and access information quickly. You can customize its placement, choose border colors, and integrate it seamlessly with your site using the provided Navbot Code or Embed Code. Video Overview

Multiple Channels for the Initial Message: We added a feature that allows you to set up various channels that users can interact with right from the initial message. Video Overview

Multiple Channels for the Question Channel: This new feature allows you to set up various channels within your chatbot's question channel, which users can choose from multiple options based on their specific needs. Video Overview
New Updates
9 months ago

AskSpot v2.8.3


New streamlined Webhook automation flow:  We re-worked the setup process for webhook automations. Video Overview.

New gradient color option in CTA Button:  We added the ability to add gradient color to the CTA buttons in the initial message. Video Overview.

New full screen chat option:  We added the ability to make the chat pop-up full screen. Video Overview.

New (loom) video option in suggested question channel: You can now add Youtube & Loom videos inside the suggested question channel & using AI override. Video Overview.

New Scroll Indicator:  When the prevent auto-scroll option is turned on, we added a subtle arrow-down animation will appear to indicate that there is more content below.  Video Overview.

AskSpot v2.8.2


New option for turning AI reply auto-scroll off:  In settings/controls you now have an option to turn off the auto scroll down on bot replies. Video overview

New typing animation: We added a smaller and more conventional looking "typing" animation for bot replies. Video overview

Live Video Preview:  We added a live preview for Youtube & Loom videos in bot responses. Video overview

Custom Domain Redirect:  Added an option to redirect to a URL of your choice for any unmatched custom domain URL's. Video overview

Circular Widget Shape and CTA Banner Color Adjustments:  Added new customization options that allow you to change the widget shape to a circle and customize the background and text color of the CTA banner. Video overview 

AskSpot v2.8


Google Sheet & Google Doc Support:  You can now add Google Doc & Google /context sheets as knowledge sources.
Video overview

New Chat Bot Pop-Up Variations & Size Options:  You can now select from 3 different looks for the chat bot pop up as well as new size options. Video Overview

Video Upload Option In Forms:  Added an option to upload a video for your form header section.  Video Overview.

Adjust link/hyperlink Color: Added an option in the theme setup up for URL/hyperlink color. 

AskSpot v2.7.5


Formatting options + CTA button option for the initial message.  Overview Video

Option to remove the CTA image/video on forms.  Overview Video

Added a mobile phone validator to the phone field in forms.

AskSpot v2.7


New "Form Channel":  With the new form channel you can now select a form to trigger via one of the suggested question buttons in the bot pop-up. Overview Video

New sample data for forms automations: We have streamlined improved the process for sending the sample data from your forms to webhook automations. Overview video

New chat response delay setting:  You can now slow down or delay the replies of your chatbot. Overview Video

AskSpot v2.5


Suggested Question AI Override:  We added the ability to override AI responses with an exact response that you create.

Auto Suggested Questions:  This optional new feature uses AI to auto suggest question based upon the your bots given knowledge and questions previously asked.

AI Model indicator in Chat Log:  Now in your chat you can see which AI model was used for a specific chat reply

AskSpot v2.4.1


AskSpot v2.4

  • New cleaner UI for knowledge sources
  • Search function for knowledge sources.  Search sources based on keywords.
  • ⚡️New "channels" feature. This gives the ability to ad functions to the chat suggestion buttons. 
    Current channels include:
    GHL Chat
    Click To Call
    SMS pass through
    💪Many more to come
  • Forms have been updated and moved to their own section via a link in the sidebar menu. 
    You can now also add custom fields to your forms.
  • Added a copy chat icon to the chat pop-up to allow users to easily copy chat replies.  
  • ⚡️Added URL fetch option for website sources to make it faster to add webpage urls as sources

AskSpot v2.3

webpage source auto/manual refresh
Option to allow Q&A edits from chat log share link
CSV and docx file source upload options
HighLevel Chat Widget integration
Chat log time stamps
Option to make suggested links open in a new tab

AskSpot v2.2

  • Ability to send chat logs info via web hooks
  • Ability to edit custom themes
  • Ability to name custom themes
  • ability to delete custom themes
  • Ability to share chat log outside of of AskSpot dash via a link that can be connected to your custom domain
  • Ability to reposition chat widget in customization settings
  • Desktop & mobile visibility controls 
  • More options for page visibility controls
  • Ability to add a an notification alert icon to the chat widget bubble
  • Ability to delay widget entry 
  • Ability to mass delete chat for chat logs
  • Ability to change chat widget size S/M/L
  • User info (if collected) is now associated with chat log
  • Increased the character of liit in Q&A source to 5,000 characters
  • Ability to add Q&A's directly from the chat log

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